Having read "Losing it all" I expect nothing but emotion and a "shock factor" from the author, but this took it to a new level. It is almost like watching a slow-moving picture of the steady decline of humanity (through the MC, Mason), with a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
I admire the fact that this book was written from a male POV. This helped to get that unique perspective. So many emotions that Mason felt are mirrored by woman today and in the past.
This story is a twist on feminism. What would happen if women were in charge and men were second-class citizens? What if women could have children via an artificial womb? Would women rule in a fairer society, ensuring the rights of all?
According to Ms. Cornelius - NO!
Women become harsh, lack any maternal instinct, only want to work, consider sex & BDSM sport, and enjoy watching men hack each other to death! WOW...
Don't misunderstand me though - this is a MUST read. I was hooked and gawped at many scenarios, whilst laughing out loud at others. It reminded me of how I felt when I read books like "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo". It's the gruesome bits that made me want to stop reading, but meant I just had to read faster!
Overall, I could not give a 5 because I could have done without some of the details, and Mason (like many of us) just needed a good shaking every now and again. Either way, a worthwhile read that is different from the norm.
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