I met this local author recently and have started reading her book - a world I never knew existed... enjoy & Happy New Year!
Vanessa :)

Desire soon turns to obsession as Charlotte embarks on a difficult and controversial journey to sway the odds to have a girl; even though it threatens her marriage, her sanity, her two sons happiness and her friend's life.
How far is she prepared to go, and at what cost?
'Swaying' is available from Amazon in paperback and kindle. The kindle version is currently reduced to 99p/99c offer ends 5th January 2016.
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My Review... 3 Stars
I have just finished reading this and I feel emotionally drained...
When I first found out about this book, I had my reservations about reading it, since I knew it would hit a sore nerve. However, since I had met the author at the local library and I saw it on a KDP Countdown deal for only 99p I thought I'd give it a go.
Now, I have to say up front this is a very hard review to write. I know that getting a review that is a 3 may be considered by many authors to be a failure BUT let's be clear that this book is well written and an incredible debut. The problem is the subject-matter was one I found hard to stomach for personal reasons.
The premise of this story is about swaying the odds to have a girl not a boy.
When I found out I was having a baby I was over the moon and frankly did not care what it was. My parents were desperate for a boy and got three girls! When I found out I had had a boy after a difficult caesarian section I was overjoyed. But, in this book the character, Char, goes into a meltdown.
Char's relationship with her husband is so strange and I did not like him one bit. I could understand he was frustrated by her reaction, but I could not see what was special about their relationship. Ultimately, this is why we have children, isn't it? To have a family? I found their relationship hard to understand...
Then when she falls pregnant again after "swaying attempts" she again finds out its a boy. Now, at this point I'll admit that I had a girl - after another horrendous caesarian experience! Again, personally, I was glad that I was fine and that the baby was okay - the girl bit was a bonus (although a part of me felt bad for my son not having a brother)!
In this story, Char is scarred... she loves her boys but wants her girl!
I know of many couples who have had to resort to IVF and then adoption to have children and I find the whole premise of this book hard to swallow. However, I admire the author for tackling this head on and giving us an insight into the world others live in. Unfortunately, the damage caused by these obsessions is not always irreversible.
I felt so sad when events unfolded and will not say more to not give too many spoilers. There are so many children looking for a good home in England at the moment. Is going to the expense of having a child, or in this case swaying, worth it? The pain caused by the need to have the perfect baby is surely not worth it... Parenthood is about more than having the perfect child. I know I always wonder how other parents do what they do, and many look at me wondering how I do what I do, and you know what? We all do our best.
In China, I believe parents prefer boys, so obviously in every culture, your personal upbringing, circumstances, etc, dictate what you view to be ideal. No-one ever seems satisfied! I missed my career for many years...
I am glad I read the book and hope you understand why for me it had to be a 3. When you have seen someone lose a child, or be unable to conceive... the sex of the child is irrelevant! Either way, like I said this is an incredible debut novel. I will be interested to see what the author comes up with next.
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